Manthan : The National Youth Conference

National Youth Conference 2024 Theme:Redrafting the National Youth Policy in the Light of India 2047

In the ever-evolving landscape of the Amrit Kaal, a period marked by transformative changes, the role of Indian youth emerges as a pivotal force in shaping the nation's destiny. The National Youth Conference of 2024 aims to deliberate upon the strategic imperatives that shall empower the Indian youth to effectively contribute towards achieving the objectives set forth during the Amrit Kaal. The conference seeks to foster dialogue, innovation, and actionable insights that will guide and channel the boundless potential of the youth towards realizing the aspirations of this transformative era.

  • Challenges and Opportunities of Amrit Kaal for the Indian Youth
  • Reorienting Agriculture During the Amrit Kaal to Make Agriculture Income-Centric
  • Promoting Self-Employment Among Indian Youth During the Amrit Kaal

  • The three subthemes for the Youth Conference :

    This subtheme delves into the multifaceted landscape of challenges and opportunities that the Amrit Kaal presents to the Indian youth. As the nation navigates through unprecedented shifts in technology, economy, and society, it becomes imperative to analyze and comprehend the obstacles that lie ahead, while concurrently identifying avenues for growth, development, and impact. Through this subtheme, the conference endeavors to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved, enabling the youth to proactively engage with and overcome challenges, while harnessing the opportunities to create a more resilient and prosperous future.

    Agriculture, the backbone of India's economy, stands at the threshold of transformation within the Amrit Kaal. This subtheme centers on the vital task of recalibrating the agricultural sector to establish income-centric paradigms. By focusing on innovative techniques, sustainable practices, and technology-driven interventions, the conference seeks to explore ways in which the Indian youth can champion the cause of revitalizing agriculture. Through this subtheme, participants will engage in in-depth discussions on revitalizing rural economies, empowering farmers, and redefining agricultural systems to foster prosperity and growth.

    In the pursuit of economic self-reliance and empowerment, self-employment emerges as a potent avenue for Indian youth within the Amrit Kaal. This subtheme aims to delve into strategies and mechanisms that can foster a vibrant ecosystem for entrepreneurial ventures, propelling youth-led initiatives towards success. By exploring the dimensions of skill development, access to resources, mentorship, and policy support, the conference seeks to equip the youth with the tools and insights needed to embark on entrepreneurial journeys, thereby contributing significantly to job creation, innovation, and economic growth.


    Registration fee 500/-
    Payment will be accepted through Google Pay & UPI Google Pay Number :- 8273969905(Himani Phulara)
    The Conference will be held on January 12-13, 2024 in the campus of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar.
    Cash prizes worth Rs. 25,000 /- and appreciation certificates.
    The selected papers will be published in a compendium with ISBN number.

    For Paper Submission


    • The students can form a team of maximum three authors for paper submission in any of the four subthemes.
    • The paper should be submitted with a word limit of 2000-3000 words (excluding references). It should cover the following aspects but not necessarily under the same heading:
      a) Problem Addressed
      b) Solution Proposed
      c) Feasibility, Economic and Environmental Viability, Scalability
      d) Expected outcomes
    • Use Times New Roman 12-point font single spaced, 1-inch (2.5cm) margin all around, and 8.5 "×11"page setting.
    • Figures, graphs, tables must be of high resolution.
    • Kindly ensure that the paper is free from plagiarism and proper references are given.
    • The paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc,.docx) format only.
    • The first 100 paper submissions shall be eligible for evaluation and no further entries will be considered thereafter.
    • Last date of paper submission is November 30, 2023.
    • Incomplete submissions will not be considered.